Arlington is a growing municipality located between two forks of the Stillaguamish River in one of the fast growing counties in the United States. This growth fueled to a large extent by an increased demand for available housing and city support services has also required the need for information systems that can manage the rising tide of information. Starting in the Building Department, ACS Group database engineers worked with management and staff to replace an aging Permit Tracking System with a redesigned client server application using SQL Server and MS Access. The Building Official for the City of Arlington wanted a system that could tie into other parts of city government such as Planning and Finance, as well as, include all key elements of the permitting process. ACS Group assisted with the design and development of a system that included the permit application, contractor information, fees and charges, payments, as well as inspections and valuations. After the Permitting system is operational, the next phase is to extent the system to city database servers where the use and application of the data can have a wider audience beyond the Building Department.